A downloadable game for Windows

It is encoder text to image.

Meta data (or somewhere similar) was boring to do, so if you hide it, then hide it in plain sight!

So I encrypted the text into the picture itself, colors

Encoding - for encode text to image
Image - choose image
save to - directory to save image
name - choose name to image
count bits per color component - number of bits from each color component (1-8). The higher the value, the greater the impact on the picture.
Use alpha - use parameter alpha for pictures
Use component witch are 255 or 0 - work with big problems, don`t switch off it.
text - text, that you want encode
under it options for free space (space that dont use for text)
Encode - button to encode
Decoding - for decode text from image
Image - choose image
Decode - button to decode

Updated 21 days ago
Published 26 days ago
Tagsdecoding, Effects, encoding, image, picture, Text based


GoodEncoderTextToImageWinForms.exe 22 kB
GoodEncoderTextToImageWinForms.zip 87 kB

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